Adams County Tax Services
Adams County Tax Services
About Us
The mission of the Adams County Tax Services Department is to administer the county’s tax system, as mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in a way that is equitable, fair and uniform to the residents of Adams County. The Tax Services Department encompasses the following but is not limited to:
- Mapping and maintaining current information for all tax parcels and taxable individuals
- Producing and supporting real property values through systematic procedures
- Collecting delinquent property taxes for all of the county ‘s taxing bodies
- Managing a preferential assessment and exclusion program
These tasks are completed by well-educated and dedicated staff that includes Certified Pennsylvania Evaluators (CPEs) and others with specialized skills in specific areas. We always remain cognizant that good administration of the Tax Services Department and our tax system is essential for providing adequate funding to local government services. We strive to provide exceptional customer service to the public and other county departments.
Tax Services Department Staff Directory
117 Baltimore Street, Room 202
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Contact Us
Office Hours:
8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m.
Monday - Friday
PA Act 57 of 2022
Act 57 of 2022 of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania allows taxpayers who fail to receive a tax notice during their first year of occupancy to apply for a waiver from penalties and additional costs from the tax collector.
Yellow Tag
Verify Information
If you are the Owner of a property that received a Yellow Tag.
County Permit Review
Photo/Property Review
