Adams County Recorder of Deeds
Adams County Recorder of Deeds
About Us
The Records of Deeds office handles all types of documents relating to real estate. Documents are recorded and become public record and become part of history. In addition, this office is an Agent for the Department of Revenue to collect Realty Transfer Tax (RTT) and distributes those funds to the state, and to municipalities and school districts. Individuals who have obtained status as a Pennsylvania Notary Public must record their official Oath and original fiduciary Bond with the Recorder of Deeds. Military discharges (DD-214 form) are recorded with the Recorder of Deeds for safe-keeping when presented by the Veteran who must bring the document in to be recorded. Military discharges are protected under a Federal Privacy Act and are confidential. A Recorder of Deeds official has the responsibility of preservation of records relating to real estate, including but not limited to: Deeds, Mortgages, Easements, Agreements, Stormwater Management, Financing Statements, Subdivision Plans, UCCs, and many other types of real estate documents.
History runs all through and around Gettysburg. Just take a few quiet moments and one can feel it everywhere. People from all over the world visit Gettysburg because of all that the area offers. This office is happy to be a part of that historical experience!
Contact Us
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday thru Friday
Property Fraud Alert Service
Public Record Search/eSearch

Recorder of Deeds Information Center
4:00 p.m. will be the cut-off to accept recordings. If you have a special circumstance, please call or email the office. Thank you for your cooperation.
Holiday Schedule
CLOSED for ALL Holidays
Recording Services