Welcome to Adams County Children and Youth Services
Welcome to Adams County Children and Youth Services
About Us
It is the mission of Adams County Children & Youth Services to provide a work environment that is educational, responsive, efficient, and safe for our staff, so we can deliver high quality services to ensure that each child and youth in Adams County has a safe and permanent family. We are responsible under Pennsylvania Public Law to receive and investigate reports of child abuse and neglect, provide for the temporary care of children not able to safely remain with their own families and develop community-wide social service programs that promote family stability. The Agency endeavors to be responsive to the changing health and welfare needs of all families by encouraging the development of programs that reduce dependency and strengthen family life.
We are guided by many laws, regulations and policies as well as principles and values to help us achieve our mission. Our mission helps us to ensure that we are:
- Protecting children and youth from abuse and neglect
- Enhancing the family’s capacity to meet the child/youth’s well-being, including physical, emotional, behavioral and educational needs
- Strengthening families to successfully sustain positive changes that lead to safe, nurturing and healthy environments
- Securing a permanent living arrangement in a timely manner that supports stability, if children and youth cannot reside with their biological caregivers
- Ensuring skilled and responsive child welfare professionals, who perform with a shared sense of accountability for best practice and positive outcomes
Report Child Abuse or Neglect
Call Childline at 1-800-932-0313
Contact Us

CYS Screeners:
Adams County Children & Youth Services non-emergency
Note: All non-emergency emails will be responded to the next business day. If you are experiencing an emergency call Emergency Services at 911.
Office Hours:
8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m.
Monday - Friday

We are responsible under Pennsylvania Public Law to receive and investigate reports of child abuse and neglect, provide for the temporary care of children not able to safely remain with their own families and develop community-wide social service programs that promote family stability.
Adams County Children & Youth Services accepts all incoming reports of suspected child abuse and neglect, ensures the safety of children residing in the reported household, investigates the validity of reports, and provides services to families dealing with child abuse and neglect issues.
This guide was developed for those being served by Adams County Children and Youth Services (ACCYS). This guide gives you information about ACCYS, how we can work together, and what may happen while you and your family are working with ACCYS.
Requires child welfare agencies to provide notification to relatives within 30 days of a child’s placement, reasonable efforts for sibling placement and contact, educational stability efforts for foster children, transition planning for older youth prior to exiting foster care, funding options for subsidized permanent legal custody and older youth in placement over age 18.