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Adams County Board of Commissioners

Adams County Board of Commissioners

About Us

The County of Adams is a unitary governmental entity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The County acts as an agent for the Commonwealth on various functions as specified by Pennsylvania State law. These functions include the delivery of numerous human services and the administrative oversight of various health and public safety programs and the maintenance of various County bridges. In addition to these functions, the County of Adams is responsible for maintaining the Court of Common Pleas, the Minor Judiciary System, and specific offices charged with keeping records of legal and judicial proceedings. The services of the County Commissioners began with the maintenance of the local judicial system and the local prison.

The Board of Commissioners consists of three members and constitutes the chief governing body of the County. The Commissioners, together with their directors, manages the County organization with the mission of providing quality government service in an efficient cost-effective manner. The Commissioners are elected every four years and are responsible for setting policy for the fiscal management, and the administration of County affairs. The Commissioners serve on the Salary, Prison, Retirement, York-Adams Joinder for MHIDD and Election Boards as well as sitting as the Board of Assessment Appeals. They appoint members to participate on various boards and commissions affiliated with the County.

Adams County will provide services which are responsive to the health, safety, and general welfare of County residents. The County government is dedicated to providing these services through the effective use of the County’s resources in a caring and honest manner. We strive to provide a healthy and safe community to enhance the quality of life for our citizens.

We invite any residents to contact the Board or any Commissioner with your ideas, thoughts or concerns. It is an honor for us to serve the residents of beautiful Adams County and thank you for that privilege!

Contact Us

Adams County Seal

County of Adams

117 Baltimore Street
Room 201
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: 717-337-9820

Office Hours:
8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m.
Monday - Friday

Board of Commissioners Meetings

Public notice is provided that the Board of Commissioners of Adams County, the Adams County Salary Board, the Adams County Board of Elections, and the Adams County Board of Assessment Appeals, will meet in regular meetings during the 2025 calendar year.

Board Meetings are held in person or via: 
Teleconference at 1-415-655-0001
Meeting number 132 798 3497# 

During the 30-minute Public Comment the individual wishing to speak will come forward to the podium to address the Board, state their name and address and will have 5-minutes to give his/her comments related to County business. Any public comment on an agenda item should be addressed at this time.

County Budget

The Adams County Board of Commissioners each year is responsible for approving an annual budget that outlines projected revenue and expenditures in the coming year.

Adams County will provide services which are responsive to the health, safety, and general welfare of County residents. The county government is dedicated to providing these services through the effective use of the County’s resources in a caring and honest manner. 

The Board of Commissioners consists of three members and constitutes the chief governing body of the County. The Commissioners, together with their directors, manages the County organization with the mission of providing quality government service in an efficient cost-effective manner.

 Board of Commissioners Events

Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Event Time:11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Event Time:7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2025

County Services