Adams County Plans, Studies, and Publications
Adams County Plans, Studies, and Publications
The Adams County Commissioners have adopted the following policy to guide the County:
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Municipal Waste Management Plan (2019)
Greenways Plan (2010)
Adopted as an amendment to the County Comprehensive Plan.
Adams County Greenways Plan
Long Range Transportation Plan
Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan (1997)
Water Supply and Wellhead Protection Plan (2002)
Other County and Regional Studies and Publications
- Impact of the Equine Industry on the Economy of Adams County (2021)
- Economic Impact Model for the Historic South Mountain Fruitbelt in Adams County Pennsylvania
- Financing Fire Services for Adams County (2012)
- Regional Transit Coordination Study (2011)
- South Central Regional Action Plan (2009)
- Feasibility Study for Gettysburg Hanover Trail (2007)
- South Central Pennsylvania Regional Goods Movement Study (2006)
- Natural Areas Inventory (1996, 2002)
- North Gettysburg Trail Feasibility Study (2000)
- Special Purpose Study: The Lincoln Highway in Adams County, Pennsylvania (2000)