Adams County Agricultural Land Preservation Board
Adams County Agricultural Land Preservation Board
The Adams County Agricultural Land Preservation Board (Board) was established by the Adams County Board of Commissioners on January 10, 1990. The purpose of the Board is to administer the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program for Adams County.
Money for this program is allocated from both the county and the state, with some monies from the federal level. At the current level of funding, the Adams County Program is capable of preserving approximately 800 acres of farmland each year.
Read more about the Board's Mission
The Adams County Commissioners and ALPB are seeking interested candidates to serve as the "Contractor" member of the Board. If you live in Adams County, have an interest in agriculture and preservation, and are involved in the building/ contracting field, fill out a Nominee Form!
Members and Information
Craig Yingling, Chair
Dave Wenk, Vice-Chair
David Boyer, Municipal Official
Chad Collie, Contractor Member
Sidney Kuhn, Farmer Member
Ben Mearns, Citizen Member
George Taughinbaugh, Citizen Member
Doyle Waybright, Farmer Member
George Weikert, Citizen Member
First Wednesday of the Month, 7:o0 PM
Agricultural and Natural Resources Center
670 Old Harrisburg Rd, Suite 100
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Learn more about the Farmland Land Preservation Program and what's been preserved.
2025 Agendas and Minutes
January 8 - Agenda | Minutes
February 5- Agenda | Minutes
March 5- Agenda | Minutes
April 2 - Agenda | Minutes
May 7- Agenda | Minutes
June 4 - Agenda | Minutes
July 2 - Agenda | Minutes
August 6 - Agenda | Minutes
September 3- Agenda | Minutes
October 1- Agenda | Minutes
November 5 - Agenda | Minutes
December 3- Agenda | Minutes
Archived Meeting Information
February 7 - Agenda | Minutes
March 6 - Agenda | Minutes
April 10 - Cancelled
May 1 - Agenda | Minutes
June 5 - Agenda | Minutes
July 10 - Agenda | Minutes
August 7 - Cancelled
September 4 - Agenda | Minutes
October 2 - Agenda | Minutes
November 6 - Cancelled
December 4 - Agenda | Minutes
February 1 - Agenda | Minutes
March 1 - Agenda | Minutes
April 5 - Cancelled
May 3 - Cancelled
June 7 - Cancelled
July 5 - Agenda | Minutes
August 2 - Cancelled
September 6 - Agenda | Minutes
October 4 - Cancelled
November 1 - Agenda | Minutes
December 6 - Agenda | Minutes
February 2 - Cancelled
March 3- Agenda | Minutes
April 6- Agenda | Minutes
May 4 - Cancelled
June 1 - Agenda | Minutes
July 6- Agenda| Minutes
August 3 - Agenda | Minutes
September 7 - Agenda | Minutes
October 5 - Cancelled
November 2- Agenda | Minutes
December 7- Agenda | Minutes