Electronic Submission of Documents for Review
Electronic Submission of Documents for Review
The Adams County Office of Planning and Development requires subdivision/ land development (SLD) plans submitted for review to be uploaded electronically. If you are submitting an SLD plan, Municipal Request For Review, or other document for review, we request that the Electronic Submission Guidelines below are followed. If you have questions or need help, please call the office 717-337-9824.
We are located at:
Agricultural and Natural Resources Center
670 Old Harrisburg Rd, Suite 100
Gettysburg, PA 17325
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Submitting a Plan or Document
ACOPD Review Process
Please review the Guidelines to assist with the submission process.
- Do not email plans, documents or Request For Review forms to staff. This may delay processing of submitted plans and documents.
Municipal Request For Review
Applications for subdivision and/ or land development require a Municipal Request for Review form.
- This form must be submitted by the municipality.
- Click on the link below for the current RFR form.
Fees and Payment
- A review fee is required for most subdivision and/ or land development applications. The 30-day review period does not begin until the correct fee is paid.
- The fees listed on the ACOPD Fee Schedule apply to subdivision and land development plans and sewer modules submitted to the ACOPD for review.
A review fee is required for most subdivision and/ or land development applications.
- The 30-day review period does not begin until the correct fee is paid.
Review fees may be paid:
- Online: via e-Check, or credit/ debit card.
- At the Planning Office: cash, check, or credit/ debit card
- Mail: cash or check
Pay Online
Click on the Allpaid link "Click to Pay Now".
Select ‘4208 – SLD Plan Review’ as “Type of Service” and indicate the plan or module name in the “Notes” box.
Please read Allpaid's Terms of Service before completing an online payment:
- Allpaid Terms of Service - English
- Allpaid Terms of Service - en Espanol
Online payments made through Allpaid include a non-refundable service fee.
Electronic Submission Upload Folders
The submission process includes a short form.
This will help us process the plans more efficiently.
Please complete the form and Submit.
A separate window will open to upload files.
Failure to submit the form may delay processing.
Please call the Office if you need assistance: 717-337-9824

SLD Resources