What is a Constable?
A constable is an elected or appointed officer of a municipality whose duties are similar to those of a sheriff, though the powers are less and the jurisdiction smaller.
1. Preserve the peace specifically at the polls during the Primary and General Elections.
2. Perform judicial duties to serve writs, warrants, bail pieces, etc.
For more information on Constables, please visit the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) or call 1-800-692-7292 or 717-705-3693. Reference: Act 44 of 1994 42 Pa C.S.A. § 2942 was repealed in 2009 by Act 49 of 2009 and moved to Title 44 Pa C.S.A.§ 7142.
Constables are elected during the primary election by contacting the Voter Registration Office. In the event no candidates seek election to constable, a qualified elector of that municipality/precinct may seek appointment by the President Judge by circulating a petition and collecting a minimum of ten signatures of voters registered within the municipality/precinct they reside. Vacated offices are filled by a court appointed constable until the next regularly scheduled constable election to include a full six year term if necessary. Refer to the Fee Schedule for the filing fee when filing a Petition for Appointment with the Clerk of Courts office.
Constable Conduct and Uniform Practice...
Providing service for the Judiciary are required to abide by all provisions of the Unified Judicial System Constable Polices, Procedures and Standards of Conduct, adopted by the Pennsylvania Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts in May 2013, and the 51st Judicial District, Adams County Constable Manual. Each of these documents are designed to provide guidance to Constables in ensuring uniformity in practice and maintaining high standards of conduct while providing service and aid to the Judiciary.
To review these documents, please click the following links:
- Unified Judicial System Constable Policies, Procedures and Standards of Conduct
- 51st Judicial District, Adams County Constable Manual
Certificate of Insurance
Refer to the Fee Schedule for the filing fee when filing a Certificate of Insurance. The office will notify PCCD after the fee has been paid as well as updating the website and CPCMS.
Constables are encouraged to download our free mobile app Adams County Clerk of Courts and/or our other social media platforms to ensure they receive any updated information relating to constable matters.