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Specialized Services

Mental Health

This program consists of a single officer whose sole job is to closely supervise the unique segment that displays mental health and intellectual disability needs. The first focus of this program is to protect the community and the supervised individual. The second focus of this program is to provide a structured level of close supervision to a supervised individual that displays mental health and intellectual disability needs. Combining close supervision with an effective treatment program, working in tandem with local community resources and mental health treatment programs.

Sex Offenders

The Adams County Sexual Offenders Program supervises individuals who have committed sexual offenses in Adams County and offenders who are currently Adams County residents who were convicted of sexual offenses in other counties. These cases are managed by providing surveillance, monitoring, and treatment. The Probation Officer works in conjunction with treatment providers to assist in re-educating the individual. The Probation Officer assesses the overall status of the individual for specialized treatment and intervention needs, develops and implements intervention strategies necessary to reduce criminal behavior, and meets regularly with supervised individuals in the office and in the community. The Probation Officer also monitors the progress of individuals in treatment or therapy, prepares court reports, schedules violation hearings, and performs duties related to Megan’s Law DNA requirements.

Link to Megan’s Law: http://www.pameganslaw.state.pa.us/

Domestic Violence

Protection from Abuse Self Help Packet