Law Library Services
Law Library Services
Pro Se Forms
These forms are examples of some typical pleadings filed in civil cases. A complaint is the document that a plaintiff files to begin a lawsuit. It contains a clear statement of the important facts underlying the plaintiff’s claims and states the legal cause(s) of action. An answer is a document filed by a defendant in response to the allegations made in the plaintiff’s complaint.
The forms do not give legal advice. Using a form does not guarantee that what you file will be legally or factually correct or sufficient. The forms are not a substitute for the advice of a lawyer..
Electronic Resources - PA Code and Bulletin
"The information for the Pennsylvania Bulletin included at this website has been derived directly from the Pennsylvania Bulletin, the Commonwealth’s official gazette for information and rulemaking. Cite all material in the Pennsylvania Bulletin by volume and page number. Example: 17 Pa.B. 639. The Pennsylvania Bulletin website includes the following: Rulemakings by State agencies; Proposed Rulemakings by State agencies; State agency notices; the Governor’s Proclamations and Executive Orders; Actions by the General Assembly; and Statewide and local court rules." View Codes and Bulletins

Legal Journals
First published in 1959, The Adams County Legal Journal is formatted as a pamphlet and designated a newspaper of record for distributing Court and other legal notices. It is published weekly on Fridays by the Adams County Bar Association and is available free online. (It is also available at, which has all issues back to and including 2009.) See the two links on the right. The top one offers a short tutorial on how to utilize the site to the fullest; because the display may not be the most user friendly, the tutorial is well worth your time. The digital site preserves issues back to May 23, 2008.
All issues from May 2008 to 1959 will eventually be digitized and posted at the “Old Issues” link. Contents will include both Court Opinions as well as legal ads.
PA Legal Journals
Legal journals are the court's designated publication for the advertisement of legal notices in each county. In Pennsylvania, County Bar Associations are designated to publish that county's legal journal. In addition to the legal notices, County Legal Journals present the legal community and public alike with an insider's view from a local perspective. Between the covers of the publications, you will also find explanations of local cases, statutes, and administrative rules; discover time-saving forms and practice tips from some of our area's most respectful contributors. View Journals