Adams County Victim Witness Services
Advocacy: We will advocate on your behalf throughout the criminal justice system, in addition to employers, creditors, schools, etc.
Compensation: You may be eligible for compensation through the Pennsylvania Victim Compensation Assistance Program for money you have paid or lost due to a crime. More information can be found on the Compensation tab.
Restitution: You may be entitled to restitution reimbursement. An advocate can assist in the restitution process and securing court ordered restitution. More information can be found on the Compensation tab.
Notifications & Information: The program updates you on all significant court dates regarding your case as well as information to help understand the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems.
Courtroom Orientation: Advocates are available to guide you through the courtroom experience through a one-on-one orientation of testimony expectations and courtroom layout.
Referrals to Community Agencies: Community resources and programs referrals are available upon request. More information can be found on the Community Agencies tab.
Secure Waiting Rooms: Safe and secure waiting areas are provided whenever you appear for court proceedings.
Supportive Counseling: Advocates are available to help you process the trauma and grief you are experiencing; however, advocates are not certified counselors and will provide you with counseling referrals upon request.