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The Office of Planning and Development administers applications and provides assistance to the recipients of several grant programs whose goal is to fund activities that will benefit disabled or low-income persons, expand the supply of decent, affordable housing, and address homelessness.  

Programs and Guidelines



Community Development Block Grants are made available to non-entitlement municipalities and organizations serving low to moderate income persons. Funds may be used toward projects providing housing rehabilitation, public services, community facilities, improvements to infrastructure, development, and planning.

Click the View button to learn more about the CDBG program and guidelines from DCED


Emergency Solutions Grants (formerly known as Emergency Shelter Grants) provide funding for homeless shelter operations, eviction prevention, and rapid rehousing. These funds are awarded by the Commonwealth through a competitive process. County governments are normally the applicant and recipient for these funds. Nonprofits that wish to apply would do so as a subrecipient of the County. 

All funding rounds are currently closed. Interested organizations can contact the Office of Planning and Development to discuss the process for becoming a County ESG subrecipient.


The HOME program is a federally funded program that provides municipalities with grant and loan assistance to expand and preserve the supply of decent and affordable housing for low- and very low-income residents provide resources to develop and maintain affordable housing. 

Click the View button to learn more about the HOME program and guidelines from DCED.
