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I do not understand the sentence/disposition I received today. Who can explain it to me?

Approximately two weeks after sentencing your assigned probation officer will contact you to schedule an initial appointment. At this appointment you may ask any questions you have about your sentence.

What role does a probation officer serve for supervised individuals?

Probation officers ensure the safety and protection of the community, uphold individual accountability, and aid in individual rehabilitation. Thus, they are responsible for enforcing Court orders and assuring compliance with conditions of sentencing, diversionary program participation, and parole, while at all times protecting public safety. This includes prevention of further criminal acts and technical violations and assistance with and promotion of positive change for individuals residing in or returning to the community.

How do I submit a tip to Probation about someone on supervision?

Follow this link to submit a tip directly to our email:

Submit a Tip 

Do Probation Officers have the authority to arrest someone on supervision?

Yes. Probation/parole officers obtain their authority from PA Act 277, August 6, 1963, and amended by PA Act 1992-117, December 4, 1992. The law states that probation/parole officers shall have the power of peace officers in the performance of their duties and shall have police powers and authority throughout the Commonwealth to arrest with or without warrant any person on probation, intermediate punishment, or parole for any violation of probation, intermediate punishment, or parole.

What is a pre-commitment packet?

Individuals that have been sentenced to either a period of partial confinement or a period of restrictive time as a part of an IP sentence that will be served at the Adams County Adult Correctional Complex (ACACC) need to obtain a pre-commitment packet to be considered for work release while incarcerated. You can find the form online by going to the Adams County website (http://www.adamscountypa.gov). Click “County Government” then go to “Adult Correctional Complex”, then click the application tab under “Work Release Pre-Commit Application’. Print out the form, fill it out in its entirety and submit it to the prison. Completed pre-commitment packets should be completed promptly after your sentencing and can be mailed or dropped off at the Adams County Adult Correctional Complex. Completed packets should be submitted no later than 10 days prior to your report date. You can also find other information on this webpage.

What is the difference between probation and parole? 

Probation is a sentence where an individual remains in the community under supervision. Parole is a conditional release from incarceration under conditions similar to probation.

How often is a supervised individual seen while on probation/parole?

 This depends upon several factors such as, but not limited to, the individual, their background, previous and current behavior. The assigned probation/parole officer will discuss this with the individual and will meet with the individual as often as necessary to ensure compliance with the orders of the court.

Why is it necessary to submit urine samples for drug/alcohol testing? 

During supervision, an individual may be asked to submit urine samples to verify compliance with the conditions of supervision.

Why can’t a supervised individual leave Pennsylvania without permission? 

Travel outside Pennsylvania, including Canada, is not a right when an individual is under supervision. If an individual gives the probation officer reasonable notice, he/she may grant permission to travel.

What is SORNA?

SORNA refers to the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act which is Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-248). SORNA provides a comprehensive set of minimum standards for sex offender registration and notification in the United States. SORNA aims to close potential gaps and loopholes that existed under prior law and generally strengthens the nationwide network of sex offender registration and notification programs.

What is a CRN Evaluation?

CRN is an acronym for Court Reading Network Evaluation. The CRN evaluation is required for all DUI offenders in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The CRN Evaluation is a pre-screening tool used to determine if you will be referred for a more comprehensive drug and alcohol assessment. It is also used as a statistical tool for Pennsylvania. 

How do I register with the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) in order to be compliant with my sex offender registration requirements?

Under Pennsylvania’s Adam Walsh Act, offenders convicted of the listed Adam Walsh Act offenses are assigned to a Tier based on their crime of conviction:

· Tier I offenders must register with the Pennsylvania State Police for 15 years and verify their registration information in-person once a year.

· Tier II offenders must register with the State Police for 25 years and verify their registration information in-person twice a year.

· Tier III offenders must register with the State Police for life and verify their registration information in-person four times a year.

You will need to report to the Pennsylvania State Police barracks to register within 3 days of your sentencing. Failure to register with PSP according to your Tier registration requirements may result in additional criminal charges.

How do I find my/someone’s probation officer?

You can contact the Adams County Probation Office at 717-337-9803 or you may follow the directory link if you know the name of the probation officer.