Domestic Relations Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ's
Domestic Relations Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ's
The one-time $50 fee applies to each employee, not each order. Therefore, employers may only collect up to $50 in administrative fees for the duration of the individual's employment, regardless of the number of income attachments received for the employee.
The one-time $50 fee applies to each employee, not each order. Therefore, employers may only collect up to $50 in administrative fees for the duration of the individual's employment, regardless of the number of income attachments received for the employee.
Interstate refers to support cases in which the parties involved reside in different states. Cases may begin as an interstate case or turn into one at any time during the case process. Our office will work with other states to establish, modify, or enforce your support order.
There are a variety of actions a DRS or Court may take if a person does not pay his or her support obligation. They include: income withholding, contempt of court proceedings, credit bureau reporting, Federal and State Tax Refund Offset Programs, license suspension, and freeze and seize of financial assets.
A complaint for support must be filed through the Domestic Relations Section (DRS). An individual can file for support utilizing the e-Services feature on the PA Child Support Website at A valid email address is required to register for this service. If you do not have access to file online, packets are available in the DRS office for you to fill out. You may file the complaint by yourself or your attorney may file on your behalf. A Case Management Officer will contact you after receiving the filing to go over the information provided, what happens next, and any questions you may have. An in person intake appointment will be necessary for certain circumstances such as Intergovernmental cases (when a Defendant lives in another state).
The $50 one-time fee limitation applies for the duration of the individual's employment. Seasonal, transient, and other typically low-income employees will be adversely affected by Act 64 if each subsequent rehire with the same company is regarded as a new eligibility period for the $50 one-time fee. Therefore, rehired individuals are only eligible for a new $50 fee when their start date is greater than one year from their previous leave date.
The $50 one-time fee limitation applies for the duration of the individual's employment. Seasonal, transient, and other typically low-income employees will be adversely affected by Act 64 if each subsequent rehire with the same company is regarded as a new eligibility period for the $50 one-time fee. Therefore, rehired individuals are only eligible for a new $50 fee when their start date is greater than one year from their previous leave date.
Yes, any employer who receives an income withholding order can collect the administrative fee. Work with your Domestic Relations Section to determine if an income withholding order at your secondary places of employment is necessary.
Yes, any employer who receives an income withholding order can collect the administrative fee. Work with your Domestic Relations Section to determine if an income withholding order at your secondary places of employment is necessary.
In Pennsylvania, when a child is born to a woman who is unmarried, there is no legal relationship between the father and the child. A father of a child born to an unmarried woman is not the father for legal purposes unless a Domestic Relations Section or Court has entered an Order that establishes the legal father of the child or both parents have signed an Acknowledgment of Paternity form. Under current Pennsylvania law, when a child is born to a married woman, the husband is the presumed legal father of the child.
Employers may withhold the one-time $50 fee at any time during the income attached employee's tenure with the company. Employers who are unable to update their payroll systems before August 30, 2016 may elect to withhold the fee after their system updates are complete. Employers may not continue to withhold a percentage fee until they are able to take the $50 one-time fee.
Employers may withhold the one-time $50 fee at any time during the income attached employee's tenure with the company. Employers who are unable to update their payroll systems before August 30, 2016 may elect to withhold the fee after their system updates are complete. Employers may not continue to withhold a percentage fee until they are able to take the $50 one-time fee.
Your employer may not be aware of the changes to the administrative fee regulation. Contact your company's human resource or payroll personnel to discuss the change in regulation.
Your employer may not be aware of the changes to the administrative fee regulation. Contact your company's human resource or payroll personnel to discuss the change in regulation.
The following individuals have liability for support: Parents for the support of their children who are not emancipated and 18 years of age or younger. Parents may be liable for support of their children who are 18 years of age or older. Married persons are liable for the support of each other according to their respective abilities to provide support as provided by law.