Mission Statement
By-Laws Committee *
Oversees any changes to the Bylaws requested by Members and coordinates with the COG Solicitor to recommend specific language for these changes.
Finance Committee *
Provides financial oversight for the Council of Governments. Advises on financial planning, budget development, and risk management. Reviews financial records and recommends financial policies and procedures. The committee ensures that Officers of the COG understand their financial responsibilities. The President and Treasurer assist this committee.
Nominating Committee *
This committee seeks and recommends individuals for offices on the Council of Governments. In addition to preparing a slate of nominations for the November meeting, members of this committee shall meet as needed to fill Board vacancies occurring during an officer’s term as they may occur. Effort is made to nominate from the different factions of the membership, i.e. Township, Borough, and School District .
Management Committee*
Assists in guiding the direction of the Council of Governments to meet and further its mission. Ensures the effective management and communication of the organization and its activities. Makes recommendations regarding compensation for administrative services provided to the Council of Governments. Meets as needed, and maintains records of these meetings. This committee will consist of the Officers, standing and ad hoc committee chairs. (Added 2013)
AC Collaboration Committee
The AC Collaboration Committee provides opportunities for cooperation between Adams County and COG membership on relevant issues and decision-making. The goal is to help facilitate intergovernmental cooperation and to provide the municipal perspective on relevant issues. Areas of focus such as: land planning and development, zoning, ordinances, water resources, and governmental operations.
Emergency Services Committee
The Emergency Services Committee purpose is to facilitate adequate and effective emergency services for the municipalities. The focus of this committee is equitable funding for fire and emergency services from each municipality. The committee will pursue partnerships between the Adams County COG and volunteer fire organizations, and will coordinate county-wide initiatives that support emergency service providers.
Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee provides the Adams County COG with a means to interact with area law-makers and have a voice in legislative matters that affect the county, municipalities and school districts. The committee regularly communicates with legislators serving the county to learn about activities that are relevant to the COG and to offer advice and insights from a county, municipal and school district perspective. The committee will actively pursue legislation and will participate in hearings by state and federal bodies on matters of interest to the COG membership.
Public Works Committee
The purpose of the Public Works Committee is to facilitate cost effective use of equipment and resources among the municipalities of Adams County. The committee provides a forum for exchanging ideas and initiating actions that address specific common needs for public works services. The primary area of focus is the efficient use of road equipment and resources, and the committee will actively seek opportunities for sharing ownership and rentals between municipalities.
*Established per By-Law 12-20-12